I apologize for not posting entries lately. My life turned apparently busy over the past weekend.
Christopher Nolan has done it again. I think the word WOW is an understatement of another brilliant film from the director. Enough said. The Dark Knight Rises, the last sequel of the batman trilogy, has been kicking asses these past few days on the screen. It also made a huge controversy during its first premiere in Colorado, which the movie per se is not really relative to what had happened, a shoot-out inside a cinema killing 12 innocent civilians and some injured. Probably the perpetrator was a bit excited to see the movie and was carried away by the action-filled scenes. Just trying to put it on a lighter tone.
Alright. Where do I start? I'm quite lost for words while writing this review because the trilogy didn't disappoint me.
I actually saw the last strand of the trilogy before the other two. I didn't plan to see the movie, but I was curious for hearing positive remarks from those who have seen it already. Luckily, I made the right choice. The powerhouse cast and the eminent production team were perfectly matched for their roles. The subtle plot has given the audience a ride of emotional roller-coaster and twists-and-turns. The jaw-dropping cinematography has offered the genuine facade of a real batman movie, in this case, dark and gloomy, unparalleled to the previous flop batman redux. I said it. Perhaps, the batman "like" film adaptations were only produced to save someone's career or whatnot, but no one has succeeded expect for Christopher Nolan. He gently lured the deserved attention from the viewers to bring back the hit-bottom spotlight of the famous DC superhero.

Moreover, the movie tried to give an in-depth take of what is really happening behind the mask of Batman, seeing the real face of Bruce Wayne. His overall predicament showed how he balanced his sorrows and guilt in hopes of rising the dark knight from a cold death. Though, at some point, he became self-centered and hopeless. Devoured by the emotional turmoil that the death of Rachel and the vexed treatment by the Gotham citizen, Bruce still became penchant to see the light, regardless of how little it was, from some good people of the city who believed in him.
Needless to say, the actor who played the hero, Christian Bale, proved his part. He gave the Batman a face. A face of courage, invincible strength, and honor. His dedication to his work has paid off.
After seeing the two other sequels, Batman Begins and The Dark Knight, I acclaim the acting performance of Heath Ledger, who played the role of the playful Joker. He really deserves the posthumous awards and achievements under the hood of this trilogy. Truly a legend.
P.S. I didn't like the fact that Katie Holmes turned down the role of Rachel in the second movie. Hello? It made her less cheap in terms of experience as an actress. Maybe, I was disappointed about it because I never fancied Maggie Gyllenhaal.
I almost forgot. Anne Hathaway...Ah, nevermind.
Personal rating: 8/10